3 Ingredient Cereal Bars

The easiest cereal bars for toddlers! We’ve been eating these every day for snack time- they’re so good and nice to have on hand! Follow along for more toddler meals 😊 And of course, you don’t have to have a toddler to enjoy these! 

Prep Time
2 Hours


½ cup nut butter of choice 

½ cup maple syrup or honey 

3 ½ cup cereal


Combine the nut butter + the maple syrup in a small pot 

Warm over low heat and whisk until combined 

Add the cereal to a mixing bowl 

Add the nut butter mixture 

Stir to coat the cereal 

Line a brownie pan with parchment paper 

Add the cereal mixture and press it in 

Add to the refrigerator for 2 hours then slice and serve

Store in the fridge!