4 Ingredient Reese’s Eggs Copycat
These healthy 4 ingredient homemade reese’s peanut butter cups are paleo, gluten free, and vegan. A delicious healthy dessert or snack. The perfect healthy Easter treat! #paleo | #paleodessert | #paleosnack | #healthyreeses | #healthydessert | #vegandessert | #vegantreats | #healthyveganrecipes | #healthysnacks

1 1/4 cup chocolate chips
2 tbsp coconut oil
3/4 cup almond butter
2 1/2 tbsp maple syrup
- In a bowl melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil in the microwave stirring every 15 seconds.
- Then add 1/2 of the chocolate mixture to whatever pan you’re using. I used a bunny mold but you could use a cupcake pan. I sprayed them with nonstick spray before adding the chocolate
- Fill about 1/3 of the way up each cup.
- Put in the freezer until it hardens.
- In another bowl- mix together the almond butter and maple syrup with a spoon.
- Once the chocolate is hardened, add the almond butter mixture and take a knife to flatten it out.
- You should have just enough to fill up about 6-7 cups!
- Then add the rest of the chocolate on top.
- Freeze until you’re ready to eat! Takes about 2 hours.
Makes 6 bunnies and about 6-7 cupcake sized cups.