Paleo Gingerbread Banana Pancakes

These gingerbread banana pancakes are paleo, gluten free, healthy, and SO easy to make!

paleo banana pancakes on a white plate with bananas and honey on top.


2 eggs

1 banana

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp ginger

1 scoop protein powder or collagen


  1. Heat a skillet over low medium heat
  2. In a bowl, whisk two eggs together
  3. In a separate bowl, mash banana but not completely, leave it a little chunky.
  4. Add the mashed banana into the bowl with the eggs and mix together
  5. Add the spices and the protein/collagen into the bowl and mix together
  6. When everything is mixed together, make small pancakes in the skillet. I use about a big spoonful. If you make them small, they’re easier to flip.
  7. Served here with honey, cinnamon, and bananas on top.


You can add 1/2 tsp of baking powder to give them a little fluffiness if you want!