Peach Caprese Grilled Chicken

 Peach Caprese Grilled Chicken 🍑

Prep Time
5 Minutes
Cook Time
20 Minutes


2 chicken breasts

1 peach 

2 oz fresh mozzarella 

2 tbsp fresh basil  

1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 

1 tbsp coconut sugar or brown sugar 


1) Grill the chicken however you normally do. I like to use my indoor grill pan when it’s this hot. I brush mine with olive oil, salt, & pepper 

2) While the chicken cooks, combine the balsamic vinegar and coconut sugar on the stovetop. Let it simmer for 15 minutes until it thickens up, stir occasionally. 

3) When the chicken is done, top each piece with fresh mozzarella, peaches, basil, & balsamic glaze 

4) Enjoy! This makes 2 servings. 

5) It pairs perfectly with a salad