Spring Roll Salad

 A veggie packed, vegan lunch or dinner. The peanut sauce on this recipe is so tasty!

Prep Time
5 Minutes
Cook Time
15 Minutes



2 cups chopped romaine lettuce 

1 chopped bell pepper 

1 cup chopped cucumber 

1/2 cup chopped carrots 

1 cup chopped cabbage 

1 avocado, chopped 

1/4 cup basil 


2 cups cooked rice noodles 


1/2 cup peanut butter 

1 tbsp maple syrup 

1 tsp apple cider vinegar 

1 tbsp coconut aminos or soy sauce 

1/4 cup water


Add all of the chopped veggies & cooked rice noodles together.

Cook the rice noodles according to package instructions & let cool completely before adding. 

In a food processor or blender, mix the sauce ingredients. 

Mix the salad together.

Pour the sauce on top or save to add as you eat it throughout the week!