Amazon Organization Finds
My 2021 New Years Resolution (I know, cheesy) is to get organized! From my closet, to my makeup, to my leggings, to my desk- these are products that I have that have made such a big difference! Sharing my favorite Amazon Organization Finds!

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1: Shower Hooks
I use these to hang my jeans on! You just put a belt loop around each side. It minimizes space and helps prevent your jeans from getting wrinkled.
These are great because you can customize the length to fit your own drawers! I use them to divide my leggings and shorts.
I’m sure a lot of people have this already but it’s really helped motivate my to meal prep this year! It sounds weird but having more containers makes me feel better about making a lot of food at once! Plus Eli can reheat them easily at the hospital.
I have these under the counter of my bathroom sink and they’re perfect! They stack well and aren’t bulky. Perfect to throw hair things in, skincare, random things like extra toothbrushes, etc!
5. Felt Hangers
Another thing a lot of people probably have but I am loving! They save so much space and it makes me feel relaxed seeing the hangers all matched up!
I’m making a little vanity in our spare bedroom so I bought this to store my makeup! I’m obsessed with it!
I have these in the drawers of our bathroom. They come in some other sizes so just measure your drawers to see which fit! Perfect way to turn a messy drawer into a drawer that every item has a place!
8. Utility Cart
If you have a little workout space at home, I am loving this cart! I keep wipes, towels, random instructions and tools, and extra hair ties in here! Also I keep small weights in there. It rolls and is so convenient!

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I’m a visual person and I need constant reminders. Having all of my big due dates for the month right in front of me daily has helped a lot!
Back to planners in 2021! I love writing down stuff so having a daily planner that I can take on the go (LOL but where am I going rn…) is important! Whenever I move my desk from the office to the living room, it’s a must have for my planner to be able to fit in my purse. Haha but for real, I love a basic, no frills planner!
These are so great for outlining big tasks you want to get done that day, goals for the day, planning out meals, etc.
I’m not at the level yet that I’m color coordinating stuff in my planner BUT one day I will be. So I’m prepared with these pens. They’re great if you like to doodle!
Hope these Amazon Organization Finds help you get more organized this year!