A nut free, vegan queso! Most vegan queso recipes use cashews or almonds which are great options but for a queso lover like me, the cost adds up quickly. Plus I know there are nut free people who can’t have them at all! So this recipe is for you guys and the people like me who just like saving money (because then you can spend more at Target! haha). This recipe is also paleo and gluten free. Hope you enjoy!

*This recipe contains affiliate links in which I may earn commission off of*
What You Need For This Recipe:
Large sweet potato
Orange or red bell pepper- diced
Full fat coconut milk
Nutritional yeast
Olive oil
Coconut aminos
Garlic Powder
Recipe Tips:
I think having a blender that works really well is key to giving this recipe the best texture! I have a Vitamix and couldn’t recommend them more. I use it daily for smoothies, sauces, ice cream, dressings, soups, and more! No chunks in food and you can’t beat the warranty they have! Definitely a splurge item but probably my favorite kitchen gadget.
Other Healthy Recipes:
Vegan Queso (nut free)
Vegan Queso (nut free, paleo, gluten free), A delicious vegan side for football season, or an appetizer! Healthy and easy to make. #vegan #paleo #paleorecipes #footballrecipes

1 large sweet potato peeler and cubed
1 orange or red bell pepper- diced
1/2 cup full fat coconut milk
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp coconut aminos
1 tbsp sriracha
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic
- Peel the sweet potato and cut into cubes
- Dice the bell pepper
- Boil the sweet potato and bell pepper for 15 mins, until they’re soft
- Let cool for a few minutes then add in the blender
- Add the other ingredients
- Blend until smooth!
- That’s it! Store for the fridge for 4-5 days in the fridge