
Amazon Bike Review

Finally posting the initial review of my feloton! (fake peloton haha). I bought an indoor cycling bike off of Amazon at the beginning of this month and so many of you were interested in it too! I’m going to answer some of the most popular questions you have below. Let me know in the comments if you have any more! Hope you enjoy this Amazon Bike Review!

Amazon Cycling Bike Review

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okay, let’s get these questions started! Side note, this isn’t sponsored at all. Just my general opinions and experience on the bike! I did a lot of research before buying this bike because it is a bike investment. I wanted to make sure we’d get our money out of it! I recommend doing your own research before buying too!

*This post contains affiliate links in which I may earn a small commission off of*

What Bike Did You Get?

I got this Sunny Bike from Amazon! We went with a 49 lb flywheel. It’s an expensive model compared to a lighter flywheel. Here’s an article that can explain what flywheel weight is way better than I can haha. Basically though, the heavier the flywheel, the smoother the ride is. That’s what I understood after researching it! So we decided we’d rather spend a little extra to help make the ride less jerky.

Amazon Cycling Bike Review

How Much Did It Cost?

Speaking of spending extra, how much did the bike cost? It costs normally between $360-$380. Amazon fluctuates the price based on a million things I’ll never understand haha. I’ll keep an eye out for sales and post on my Instagram stories when I see one!

Compared to the cost of a Peloton (around $2000), it is definitely a more affordable option!

Why Did You Get This Bike?

We decided to go with The Sunny bike based on reviews & cost. It was a mid range price point (we wanted something around $300-$400). You can definitely find something in the $200 price point range but the reviews aren’t always as good. Just do your research and keep an eye out for sales!

We got the 49 lb flywheel for the reasons I talked about above! We wanted something stable and getting a heavier flywheel seemed like the best option.

I don’t know a ton about bikes so I read articles about what you want in an at home cycling bike + read through the reviews on a bunch of bikes!

How Was Setting It Up?

Well, Eli honestly did most of that haha. But it took him maybe an hour and a half tops! It was pretty easy to set up. It came with all the tools you needed. The instructions were pretty clear and straightforward from what he said!

How Do You Do Cycling Classes?

I use the Peloton App on my phone! I had already been using it since March to do strength classes. I pay $12.99 a month for it. I know if you have a Peloton bike, the cost is somewhere around $35-$40 a month for the subscription. That was another factor in us deciding to get this bike!

I use an attachment to hook my phone (or Ipad) to the bike. I just hooked it onto the handle bars! It’s worked super well so far.

I haven’t tried any other cycling apps but you could find other options!

Amazon Cycling Bike Review

Can You Follow Along Easily On The Peloton App?

For the most part, yes. The biggest difference is that on my bike, I have to guess my resistance. It really isn’t as hard as I thought it would be! I have a little knob in front of me that I can turn. I read online one full turn is equal to 10 on the peloton. So when the instructor calls out resistance at 50, I can pretty easily guess where I need to be. It took maybe 3 classes to get the hang of it. Once you figure out what’s tough for you and what’s the highest resistance they call, you can use that as a gauge.

resistance knob

Do You Need The Cadence Monitor?

Continuing from the question above, I think a cadence monitor has really allowed me to keep up with the Peloton classes. I bought this one and it’s worked well! I clipped it onto the arm of the pedal. You can connect it to the Peloton app so it shows up on your screen during the class. So when the instructor tells me “resistance at 50, cadence at 65-75”, I don’t know my exact resistance but I do know my cadence!

I took one ride without it and thought I was going a lot faster than I was haha.

Amazon cadence monitor

What Type Of Pedals Does It Have/What Shoes Do You Need?

These have cage pedals (I think that’s what they’re called) and I wear regular tennis shoes with them.

I eventually want to switch them out with clip in pedals which I’ll have to buy clip in shoes for! That’ll be an extra cost so right now I’m fine with just regular pedals and shoes. I’ve heard clip ins make the experience even better though!

Does It Feel Stable While Standing?

I think so! I have had no trouble standing on it but that is a negative review I saw a few times. Eli hasn’t been able to take a class yet so I’ll report back when he does/how standing on it goes for him. I only stand on it when my resistance is pretty high though. If I jerk too quickly, the front does tilt a little bit. This has only happened a few times when I’m tired and angry/frustrated and trying to go really fast haha. So for the most part, yes it is pretty stable but not 100%. Once I learned it was a little unstable when I did a certain movement, I just stopped doing that and haven’t had a problem.

How Is It Different From A Peloton?

Well, it doesn’t have the resistance reading a peloton does. It also doesn’t have a screen in front of you like a peloton does. It doesn’t tell your your output the way a peloton does either. You have to do some extra work to follow along in class. But I take the same classes someone with a peloton takes!

Is It Loud?

It definitely makes a little noise. It’s in our second bedroom which is right next to our bedroom. Eli was on nights last week so he was always asleep when I would ride in the mornings. I’d just shut the door and we have no problems! He never heard it. When I have my AirPods in, I never notice the noise!

How Is The Seat?

A little tough but I got used to it after about 5 rides! My booty was sore for the first few days though haha. Which luckily people had told me to expect! We didn’t replace the original seat and it’s totally fine now!

What Additional Accessories Do You Recommend?

So I already talked about the cadence monitor and the iphone mount.

I also recommend getting a mat to go under the bike so it doesn’t scratch the floors!

And a cart or something to put your weights/towel in. There isn’t a spot for weights on the bike. I got a cart with wheels so I could easily move it around!

Overall Thoughts?

I’ve had my bike for about a week and a half now. I’ve taken 8 rides! Which I’m pretty proud of haha. I am loving it so far!! I haven’t had any issues yet. Oh- we also got the warranty on the bike! That’s given me some peace of mind about it.

Compared to running, it’s totally different. It has been more challenging than running has been recently! My legs are a lot more sore after cycling. But it doesn’t give me that mental clarity running outside does. I feel great physically but part of me is still craving that mental alone time. So doing a 10 minute yoga video has helped with that!

I have been getting up earlier to ride which I’m really happy about! In the summer, I can wake up pretty early (for me at least) around 5:45-6 to get out and run. In the winter…. doesn’t happen as easily haha. But now I’ve been back to getting up at 5:45 to try and be on the bike by 6:15-6:30! I am loving that part of it!

I love not having to get dressed, not having to drive anywhere, not having to even think about it. I lay out my clothes and pick out my class the night before. Then I’m still in my warm and cozy home knowing as soon as I’m done, I can have food and coffee haha. For real- not traveling to a gym or a workout class saves so much time!!

Overall, I’m loving it! Our plan is to test out this bike for at least a year and then maybe get a peloton when Eli’s done with school! A Peloton as more features/works better. But it’s definitely pricey! So for now, very happy with our amazon bike! Hope you enjoyed the Amazon bike review!

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